Tuesday, August 28, 2012

God Has A Way of Working With People Like Me

My brain is, at times, a pool of fear, waiting for my thoughts to come and take a swim.
I sit and worry, placing myself in worst case scenarios and situations. 
I feel alone, I feel cornered, I feel hope being sucked from me.
But, God has a way of working with people like me.
He sends me His love through a song, a friend, a lesson, a feeling, a scripture, a thought...
It is His way of tapping me on the shoulder to say, "Remember Me? I'm here for you."
"I know what you're going through, I know your thoughts. Just trust Me, everything is going to be okay."
The Lord has a way of fixing things that are broken. He can turn chaos to peace. He can turn a mess into a masterpiece.
God has a way of working with people like me.

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